Links To Friends and other Groovy People

TONI CANNELLI World's greatest grooviest drum teacher.  Founder of the Drummers Alliance.
The Mark and Lard Website Really amazing web site, all about Mark and Lard on Radio One, the Nightshift, Hit the North and much much more.
Mark Radcliffe again Read how I became rich and famous working for Mark and Lard!  Well....I did work for them!  No, I did.....really.
Huge Mega Amazing Sci-Fi Directory. A really comprehensive directory of Sci-Fi publications going back....well it goes back a long way.  And it's so comprehensive it even lists a book by me.  And that is going some!
Sheffield on The Net Groovy things to do in Sheffield besides playing with penknives. .John Barker: One of Brtiain's finest trumpet players.
Sister Rossetta Sister Rossetta's web site. VERY funny!!!  If you liked the Life of Brian you will love this.
Rubber Bondage Transvestite Sex Slaves From Mars Groovy!


  Oh my Gard!  There's people out there!!